Jussie Smollett Will Now Be Hated For Being An A*shole – Trevor Noah


The Jussie Smollett saga keeps getting messier by the day and Trevor Noah is really shocked as to how everything has panned out.

Days ago, he came out to say Jussie’s side of the story did not make any sense, but after Chicago police dished out a firm condemnation of the actor and singer, as they explained why they believe Smollett staged his own attack, Trevoh is even more perplexed.

His words, “Are you kidding me?”

“This dude may have faked a hate crime just to get a raise? I don’t understand—like what’s the logic there? You get your ass beat, and then you go to your boss and be like, ‘Hey, can I get another million dollars? I need to buy some Band-Aids”?

More details by Chicago police and the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office only brought up more confusion like how can anyone acting out a hate crime feel it’s a brilliant idea to pay two fake assailants by check?

Furthermore, authorities revealed they used ride-hailing and cell-phone records to put one and two together on what allegedly took place on the night of the incident.

The real news was police’s statement that Jussie hoped his attack would be seen on surveillance photos —but it didn’t happen, just because the camera he’d been depending on was facing the wrong direction.

Trevor continued, “You’ve got to be shitting me,”

“He wanted to be caught, but he didn’t get caught on-camera because he didn’t know which way the camera was pointing? You’re an actor; that’s your only job!”

As Noah spoke on the case on a radio station, he asserted that the actor “has screwed over everyone.”

“Think about it,”

“Members of the gay community are emotionally terrorized over something that turned out to be a hoax; Trump supporters are upset about being falsely accused; and Democratic candidates are tying themselves into knots, trying to walk back their initial statements calling this a ‘modern-day lynching.’”

“When this started out, it was a story about people who hated Jussie Smollett because he was black and gay. But now people hate him because he’s an asshole. In other words, they’re judging him on the content of his character and not the color of his skin. And that, my friends, is progress.”



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