Tourist who lost leg taxi crash given only $150,000


A British tourist who lost her leg below the knee after being struck by an out-of-control taxi cab has finally dropped a lawsuit — and all she got was $150,000.
The gruesome Aug. 2013 crash in Midtown grabbed national headlines

Then-23-year-old Sian Green was on the first day of a vacation in the Big Apple when a bike messenger and a cabbie allegedly got into a dispute on Sixth Ave., leading the taxi to crash onto the sidewalk at 49th St.

Green was eating a hot dog with a friend when the cab smashed into her, coming to a stop on the ledge of a fountain.

She sued for $27.5 million.

Green’s attorney, Dan Marchese, said the amount she’d received for her injuries suffered over five years ago was “horrible.”
“This is a really horrific story,” he said.

The sorry settlement of $150,000 was paid by Shoe Taxi Corp., which owned the cab.
“The medallion is worth nothing,” Marchese said, citing the economic impact of ride-share companies like Uber and Lyft.
“A judgment against the company is almost futile. We decided to end the lawsuit against the taxi company because we would have had to spend a lot of money to prove the case.”

NY Daily News



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