Sex is now an application for work- Ronke Oshodi-Oke


Yoruba movie actress,Ronke Oshodi -Oke has spoken out on the girl child and the expectations and burdens placed on her. According to her,the world is now so twisted that sex is the new application letter. She has called on ladies not to bow to pressure by selling their bodies for money or jobs.

She wrote

We were all born with different dreams!! We all had plans!! We all pictured our lives in perfection!! We were ready to take over the world!!
But no one told us the sacrifices we had to pay!! No one told us of the exchange involved!! No one told is that being a girl child came with its own torture and ungodly sacrifices!! No one told us that most times we had to give more than just our brains to get that dream job!! ___
Back then it was all by merit but right now the story is twisted!! It is now a thing of knowing someone at the top or using what you have to get what you want!! The society is sick!! ___
Most girls are now scared to even be friends with their bosses, so as to avoid the unknown!! Sex is now the new application letter!! ___
Even guys are not left out!! Female/male bosses use most of these guys as a tool of satisfaction all in the name giving them their dream job!! ___
To everyone out there going through this sickening situation the country has put us all in, please my darling ❤ take a step backwards and ask yourself for how long? To what end?
Restructure your life! Rediscover yourself! Pursue your dreams!! Be a noisemaker if you have to❤ Dare to become more and hustle legitimately!! Iyanu ma shele!! Don’t sell your body for money or any JOB!




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