See Why Christians Fall Into Sexual Temptations


There are reasons why Christians Fall into sexual temptations. They may do their best but still find themselves committing same sexual sins… These are the reasons.

(1) The pleasure of sexual temptations: Many Christians enjoy sexual pleasures. They fantasize it and enjoy the contents of it. Once you enjoy sexual temptations, you are likely to fall into them often.

(2) They don’t want to give up sexual pleasures completely. Some Christians change from their evil ways but still leave some soft spots. An example could be: stopping fornication, but still leaving the phone number of one of your craziest sex partners, and still chatting such a person up once in a while.

(3) Not Thirsting After Righteousness. There is no Christian that cannot be holy in this world, but God knows that many don’t really want to be holy. If you determine so so much to be holy for at least three months, God will see that you are truly interested in holiness, and release the grace to make holiness easy.

(4) Not having a confidant: Many Christians do not have who to meet or call when they are sexually tempted. Such a person might guide them or pray for them.

(5) Watching erotic movies or songs: These create a mindset that makes someone always prone to desiring immortality, which can lead to actual immorality.



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