A landlord from Kunda Kindu area in Kitui town of Kenya surprised the residents of the town by the manner in which he tried compelling his tenants to pay up their rent.
The landlord whose name was given as Samuel Kioko locked the gate to his tenants’ apartment with a live snake after the tenants failed in paying up their accumulated rent arrears comprising September and October.
The landlord discreetly fastened the snake on the gate to the tenants’ apartments while the tenants were away for work.
The alive and moving snake is said to be a diabolical one as it failed to crawl away from the gate despite not being bound.

Olalekan Ajimoti – Blogger, Content Writer, and Digital Marketer helping brands and retailers build 8-figure e-commerce since 2016.
As a corporate trainer, brand communications expert, and brand consultant, I help people start, stay and grow in business leveraging digital skills and traditional expertise.