A Kenyan pastor has claimed he has found Jesus according to a twitter user who shared the story. The twitter user claims he took the white man to his church, introduced him to his congregation and his church members are happy Jesus is back and he landed first in Kenya..
See full photos below
A Kenyan pastor claims he has found Jesus Christ walking on the streets of Kenya. Took the whiteman to his church, gave him a warm welcome and now his church followers are happy that Jesus has finally come back!
And lucky for them he landed in Kenya first.
— Syńbâd™
(@DeSaylor1) July 24, 2019
A South African Man also revealed the same on Twitter, while sharing a picture of “Jesus” being invited to their Sunday service
See full photos below..

Olalekan Ajimoti – Blogger, Content Writer, and Digital Marketer helping brands and retailers build 8-figure e-commerce since 2016.
As a corporate trainer, brand communications expert, and brand consultant, I help people start, stay and grow in business leveraging digital skills and traditional expertise.
Your Comment* hmm end time
Your Comment*all this pastors today this tmoro dat remember there’s God ooo
Christian must be very careful because of this end time pastors… let’s be vigilant because this is their way of converting and convincing Christians in to Islam. let’s be careful this man is evil(God should forgive me using the word). this man called himself a pastor is an example of devil
Christian must be careful and prayerful, because many false Christ has gone out claiming to be THE CHRIST. for the end time is at hand, for the devil had promise that in his kingdom there will b multiple soul than the kingdom of God, let us be wise and spiritually fill wit the word of God. Heaven is real and Hell is real.
Your Comment* why can’t u just take ur time and study d Islam guide book and stop all this criticism and see d beauty of it
Your Comment* you are a very big fool,, a pastor brought someone to church claiming he’s jesus and you are talking of Islam.
Christian must be very careful and prayerful, because many false Christ will appear on the surface earth claiming to be the truth Messiah, let us be wise and spiritually fill, for the end time is at hand, the evil had already vow, that his kingdom will b populated with soul. Heaven is real and Hell also is real. Jesus will not come now until the scripture is fully fulfil scripturially.
Your Comment*false prophet its written in the bible that term will come that they will come and tell you such type of stupidity
Your Comment*that’s why you Christian should seat and think very well that Islam is best religion
Your Comment*how could you gullibly think that a fake pastor like this is converting Christians into Islam, if a pastor is fake , deal with this fake nature and leave Islam out of it
CAN CHRISTIANS FIND THE FOLLOWING IN THE BIBLE??? 1. Did Jesus say anywhere in the entire bible, “I am God worship me “? Jesus said that” OUR God is One GOD (Mark 12:29 ) Jesus bowed his face down to the ground to GOD Almighty. (Matthew 26:39) GOD Almighty is Greater than Jesus. (John 14:28) Jesus said he doesn’t know when the Hour will come. Only GOD Knows. (Mark 13:32) 2. Did Jesus say in the bible Christianity is my religion? 3. Is the word ‘Bible’ in the Bible? 4. Where in the bible did Jesus say “I am christian”? Jesus does not have any idea of the word Christian which was Invented after him (Acts 11:26) 5. Where is the word ‘Christianity ‘ in the bible? 6. Where did Jesus in the bible authorise Paul to teach Christianity “? Need Jesus’ words not dreams. 7. Can the Christians find the word “TRINITY” in the Bible? 8. Where in the bible the Christians are directed to go to “CHURCH ON SUNDAY” ? 9. Can Christians find the word “CHRISTMAS” in the bible? 10. Did Jesus say in the bible “I am Catholic”? 11. Did Jesus say in the bible “I am Protestant “? 12. Did Prophets Abraham, Moses, Jacob and David pbut say anywhere in the bible “Jesus is our God and Saviour”? 13. Which Gospel did Jesus authorise? 14. Did Jesus say in the bible “I am the begotten son of God jesus said .God is not a man that he should lie neither the son of Man That he should repent (numbers 23:19) 15. Where did in the bible Jesus say “I have abrogated the law of circumcision? 16. Did Jesus say anywhere in the bible “I am not Muslim”? 17. Where did Jesus allow pork eating in the four empirical gospels? 17. No any statement in the bible where it says Jews put Jesus on the cross for the “SINS OF MANKIND”. 18. Not a single statement in the bible where Jesus said “I WAS SENT TO THE WHOLE OF HUMANITY”. 19. “GOOD FRIDAY” is not in the bible. 20. “CREATION” of “ANGELS” is not in the 21. The word “JESUS” is not in the “OLD TESTAMENT” of the Bible. 22. The word “JEHOVAH” is not in the NEW TESTAMEN OF THE BIBLE 23. No dogma exist in the bible that Jesus was “BORN ON 25 24. No any dogma exist in the bible that Jesus was “CRUCIFIED ON FRIDAY”. 25. GENEALOGY of Mary the Mother of Jesus is not in the Bible. Teaching christians the right meaning of Jesus’s sayings by using Jesus’s explanations . Jesus and the Father are one John 10:30 I and the Father are one.” A metaphor otherwise the 3 million christians are one being John 17 : 22I have given them the glory You gave Me, so that they may be one as We are one— worship one God
you are a big fool
go back to your Bible, sit down very well and read it again okay?
son of a beach!
Later it be documented in the new Bible that that Jesus visit African. I only believe in Jesus words. From Paul and other pastors will lead you to fire. Islam is a home .
I thought Naija only they run this shit
wonder and sign of fake pastors everywhere
the world is really coming to and end gradually