Lilian Esoro celebrates birthday with beautiful photos


Nollywood actress , Lilian Esoro is celebrating her birthday today .

The mother of one took to Instagram to share stunning photos on pink as she declared this year ’the money year ’.

She captioned one of the photos

”One step at a time. its just one step at a time, I love how I am becoming mentally, physically, intellectually and spiritually mature. And No, I ain’t stopping or breaking this sequence anytime soon. 

Happy Birthday to Meeeee. The Money Year Give them Hot Hot 🔥🔥🔥”

Lilian who was previously married to music exclusive , Ubi Franklin , got separated about six months after their wedding.

According to reports, she walked out of their marriage ,when she found out he had another child who was born prior to their union .

The couple who are said to have officially divorced ,have remained cordial since then.t



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