Young Thug almost failed to attend the Grammys after he found himself in handcuffs hours before the show – however, fortunately for him, he wasn’t in jail as his fellow stars picked up awards during the awards ceremony.
Law enforcement sources told TMZ that Young Thug and his pals were cruising in a van and got pulled over by the cops for traffic violation in WeHo. Minutes later, Young Thug and passengers with him found themselves out of the vehicle and in cuffs.
They were all told to line up just outside McDonald’s building at some point, with Thug even seen with his hands over his head.
One of YT’s passengers wasn’t lucky though as he claimed a firearm the cops saw was duly registered, the police found out it wasn’t and got him arrested while Young Thug and his other friends were set free.
He eventually made the Grammy Awards and picked up his first Grammy ever for his work on Childish Gambino’s “This Is America,” which won Song of the Year.