Nollywood actor Uche Maduagwu may have a thing or two to say about Tonto Dikeh’s semi-nude image that surfaced online a few days ago.
Just after he slammed people who were criticising the actress for the photo, he has now taken to his page asking that the actress apologize to Nigerians for the photo.
In his words;
@tontolet I think Jesus would be happy if you APOLOGIZE to Nigerians over this semi Nude pics… Nobody is perfect, but how many “unbeliever” will go semi NUDE for a photoshoot?
Not to talk of a christian sister…
in 1 Timothy 2:9-10, ” Likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self control”.
@tontolet God is the only judge, but do you think most people will still listen to you when you preach JESUS to them after this pics?
They’ll probably ask you, “Did Jesus go naked in the public for any product or photoshoot?
@tontolet God is not the author of confusion, if you still want to be “radical for Jesus” and WIN souls to Christ,
start by apologizing for this pics, yes, it was for a photoshoot, but such is not allowed in Christianity.
I would never follow haters to JUDGE you, but if you still want people to take your “preaching” seriously, then you need to APOLOGIZE firstly.
#repost #pics