“Piaaaawwwww…is this not beautiful??😊😙😗
Well, these are 18 pupils from the School I teach Akrofuom D/A Primary in the Adanse South district.
I have taken it upon myself to help the students so every month I sew new uniforms for 18 pupils in the school.
These are my 1st batch as you can see all of them are wearing new uniforms.
I am not a millionaire.I use the money I earn from my Teacher Kwadwo videos and my salary as a teacher to do all these. Just for the LOVE and with the HELP of Almighty God.
Many of you might ask why I do not use the money to buy myself a property first.
Yes,property is important but seeing these needy children “SMILE” is the bigest property I seek on this earth.
I will be glad if people can come on board to help me make this project a bigger one because I want to help every needy child in Ghana not just my school Pupils as far as school is concerned.May God bless each and everyone willing and surely ready to help(donate). Inbox me if you wish to donate.
God bless you all. Dnt forget to remember me in your prayers. Piaaaawwww👊🏽😊❤”
Michael Owusu is one in a million person, who has a very good heart towards others, and has taken steps to make his society better.