A determined model Natasha Crown who already has a six-foot-wide bottom is determined to have the world’s largest bum by gorging on junk food.
Crown wants to put on a staggering four stone (56lb) so doctors can redistribute her fat and make her butt “the world’s biggest”.
Crown, who is an economics graduate, from Gothenburg, Sweden, now eats takeaways, pizza, pasta and six kilos of Nutella a month to achieve the body of her dreams.
In her words; “I’ll do whatever it takes to have the world’s biggest bum.”
Natasha, who has her own Instagram page, earns a living from selling footage and pictures of her bottom to fans across the world.
At 5ft 10, she currently weighs 21st, The Sun reports. She had her first cosmetic procedure at just 20. Natasha has since had three Brazilian butt lifts, boob jobs and other procedures. She said her behind makes her feel sexy and powerful.
What does 6 foot wide mean? Circumference I guess? That wouldn’t be 6 foot wide . . That would be 6 foot around.. and I seriously doubt hers is really that big . . (It’s retarded to aspire to such ridiculousness, but still). Her butt is like maybe 2-3 feet wide.