Media personality Toke Makinwa has given us a hint on the kind of love she wants in her life.
Toke, whose marriage to Maje Ayida, was finally dissolved a few months ago shared a quote on her IG and penned down the three things she needs her man to know.
This made me smile
I want that kind of love. A very good friend (male) shared 3 things to look out for in a good man with me very recently and I need the guys to jump on this one.did he sell you out or is this for real???
1. A man must have a healthy fear of you. He must have the fear of losing you, that is very necessary to keep him from doing stupid ish.
2. A man must wake up every other day and feel undeserving of you, that’s what will make him work to keep you, like he must feel, how in the world did he get so blessed or he must have done something good to have you in his life.
3. A man must respect you. Simple!!!! Is it really that simple? Is this true??? I need the OG’s to answer this one. What advice will you give your future daughters? Sisters? Are you the kind of guy you’ll want your daughter to date??? Question that wants answer