Malika Haqq Khloe Kardashian’s best friend has caused a major stir on her IG page over a nude photo of herself posted on there.
While many hated the fact that she had to go completely nude, others supported her for the picture.
Read some of the comments below;
jessiefreemann@oxokenzie hate to disagree. i believe totally in women empowering women but do you really think this amount of photoshop is helping the feminist movement? letting girls and women believe that this is the aim to look like?
oxokenzie@jessiefreemann i’m not saying you have to look like this to be beautiful you need to be your own beautiful everyone’s body is different, i wish i had her tone body but i like mine because it’s mine obviously everyone wants everything they don’t have but if you look at this and say omg i have to be like that to get a guy or look good for society you need to talk to someone about that she doesn’t have a bf and she works out all the time, people have to work hard to make their body your temple to make them happy. she isn’t raising these kids to say hey you better look like this shit their not her kids! parents need to be saying to them your beautiful the way you are and if you want a tone one you can. or not let them on social media until they know their perfect the way they are.
tanyathorne_@rositerjulie stop envying cuz she’s hotter than you ugly soul
lifewithliapiaSlay girl!! You look stunning and deserve to show off these beautiful curves you work for!!
oxokenzieto all the WOMEN saying she shouldn’t be posting this, she’s too beautiful & classy for this, and that she’s acting like a kardashian is sickening. Last time i checked she’s an adult, you can be beautiful and classy while posing like this, and lastly the kardashians didn’t create nude pictures. You WOMEN always say we need to support each-other with what ever other WOMEN does but here you are being so rude and disrespectful on her page about what she can and cannot post! this is a form of art, beauty, and self confidence! she probably worked hard for that body and finally wanted to show it off because honestly id do the same thing! IF YOU DONT LIKE IT LEAVE HER PAGE NO ONE IS FORCING YOU! women or men commenting about this picture negative you need to find your inner/outer beauty and self confidence because it’s ugly when your putting all those unnecessary wrinkles on your face because of a BEAUTIFUL PICTURE AND PERSON INSIDE AND OUT.