Jeremy Meeks and estranged wife strike divorce deal


Jeremy Meeks and his ex wife to be Mellissa, have reportedly struck a divorce deal  with the ex-convict turned model,agreeing to pay child support.

Jeremy struck a deal to pay his estranged wife, Melissa, $1,000 a month, and that’s retroactive to November 1, 2017 ,TMZ reports.

Jeremy and Melissa also agreed to joint legal custody of 9-year-old Jeremy Jr., who will spend 30% of his time with his dad.

However,Jeremy won’t  pay spousal support.

Melissa’s attorney, Lisa Bloom, tells TMZ

“We are pleased that we were able to get Melissa child support in an amount 25% above legal guidelines. And the parties have worked together to come up with a reasonable child custody and visitation schedule, as parents should.”

Jeremy has since moved on to TopShop heiress,Chloe Green.



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