Valentine’s day is here today and everywhere we turn,we see love exchanges, with the colour red in full bloom.
While many are savoring this special day with their partners,millions of are single and feel left out .While some are single by choice,others are single due to circumstances beyond their control .
If you are single with no partner or lover,here are 5 things you can do this Valentine to make your day love-filled .
- Look in the mirror,ask yourself .Who do you see?
Take a look at the mirror -Do you know true love starts and ends with you?What you give is what you get .The energy you dish out to the world is what returns to you .
Do you see love? Hate?Disappointment ?Loneliness ? Anger?Now is the time to correct what you see .
List 10 things you love about you and 10 you dislike .If you find IT hard to come up with 10 things you like and can easily list 5 things you dislike?then you need to return to the drawing board.What you see is what others see in you .If you don’t like the person in the mirror ?no other person would.
2:Detoxify your mind
As humans ,we all have thing weighing us down and preventing us from moving forward and finding the kind of love we deserve .A past relationship ,experience could affect our future dealings.
Now,take a moment to rummage through you mind .Who and what do you find in there ?
Relieve all those experiences you had which has prevented you from finding happiness or joy ..
Did someone hurt you badly ?Has that made you scared to trust and love again .
See it this way .While you let your future be determined by someone in your past ,that person still has power over you .That person is winning big time .They have probably moved on and have forgotten you existed .
That’s the harsh reality .
See their actions as a lesson which propells you to greater heights. See it as a challenge to find someone better .See it as a closed chapter
Detoxify your mind by removing unhealthy thoughts and replacing with images of your dream man or woman .
Forgive those who have hurt You for your own peace of mind…You would feel lighter and better .
3: Re-evaluate The People In Your Life –
Most times,the loves of our lives are standing right before us but we just don’t see it .
There is no Mr or Mrs right .So stop looking for tall,dark and handsome or beautiful,fair and curvaceous .
Nothing bad with setting standards but most times ,we are so blind to our choices that we fail to see everyother person around us .Especially those who treat us right .
So this is the time to cross check all those who have shown interest in you.Who comes at the top of your list ? Maybe you should give him or her a call .Trust me,they’ll appreciate it.
4:Get Active On Social media
Don’t get it twisted .Despite all the ills that come with social media,it is one of the best platforms to find love and connect ,even on Valentine’s day.
What are your interests ?politics?Romance?Comedy ?Books? #BBnaija ? Nigerian bloggers ? Why not join a conversation today ?Is there a trending topic on Twitter ,Facebook or Instagram? Why not let your voice be heard ?
There are many pages,platforms ,discussions to suit your preference .By interacting online,you get people to notice you and you also notice others .If you see someone whose conversations tickle your fancy ,do a quick check to know if they are available .Then,shoot your shot .Ladies inclusive ,don’t be scared of sliding on that DM.
However,be careful not to cross the line and sound like a groupie .Slide in style and with class and grace .
And for the bold at heart .Feel free to tweet or Instagram..’who wants to be my Val today ?
You just may be surprised .
Spoil Yourself –
Being single is not a crime but a time to better yourself and achieve set goals which your future partner will appreciate .
How do you expect someone else to spoil you when you don’t spoil yourself.
Don’t get it twisted .Spoiling yourself isn’t always about spending money .You can spoil yourself physically ,mentally ,or even financiallyif you please .
Do something for you on Valentine’s day .Read a new book after work.
You can buy or read online .Learn a new beauty tip, online ..
Buy a new movie and watch ..Do something you have always wanted to but haven’t been able to .Start with the smallest on your list .
Not happy with your weight?Learn some weight loss tips or tricks .Not happy with your skin,learn some natural skincare tips .
For those who can afford it,take yourself out.Go see a movie alone ,go to the spa,buy some ice cream or pizza .Splurge on something new .Enjoy yourself ..
It may be hard seeing those lovers in matching red outfits all loved up besides you .
That’s the whole idea
To feel complete and enjoy and activity alone .
Once you do that,be rest assured the vibe you bring to whoever you meet would be incredible .
There is so much allure in one who truly enjoys themselves alone .
N:B ..Success is sexy in the words of Linda Ikeji ..So if you don’t have a hustle ,all these words mean nothing .
The biggest way to love yourself this Valentine is by setting a goal and by giving.
And what better way to receive love than by giving.Make someone smile today .Just pick up the phone or surprise a stranger in need with a gift ..
If you follow these tips,you might go from being the lady in the first photo to Marylin’s mood below
Happy Valentine’s day .
Emeh Achanga,the CEO of the Miss Petite Nigeria Brand is a lawyer turned blogger. She is very passionate about writing, with several publications and awards to her credit .She is currently working on publishing a collection of short stories which are basically a memoir about her exciting true experiences.
My day was lit and that has nothing to do with the fact that I am married..i can’t come and kill myself. I had a wonderful time with my kids and with myself. That’s all that matters.
Happy Valentine’s day you’ll!