Men change for who they want,love can’t be forced-Toke Makinwa tells ladies


Media personality,Toke Makinwa dished out some words of advise to ladies,telling them not to beg a man to change or force a man into love.Posting a quote to that effect,she wrote

This!!!! I saw this and screamed amen so loudπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ same thing I was telling someone yesterday. It has nothing to do with you, stop blaming yourself for not receiving the kind of love you gave out, sometimes these things don’t work because they just aren’t meant to be and that’s ok. People don’t change for who they want, people change when the time is right and quite frankly growth happens when you let it. That β€œbastard” is someone’s future husband and guess what? She’s not going to see that side of him. Not excusing bad behavior but as I grow and learn, I realize this thing called love cannot be forced. Love yourself enough to swallow that jagged little pill called truth and walk away with your head high. You’ll meet your own king and you won’t need to beg or force him to treat you right. Ladies this one is for you. #Relationshiptalk #OnBecomingFearlessπŸ’― #Loveisagameofwin #evenifyouloseyoustillwin #Takethelesson




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