Khloe Kardashian begs paparazzi to give her a break


For one whose stardom revolves around publicity and the camera,Khloe Kardashian’s new request may be taken lightly. The pregnant star  pleaded with the paparazzi to give her a break especially at airports.The mom to be says they not only take her photos at her worst moments,they scream rude things while snapping away. In two tweets,she wrote

Really wish paparazzi would understand how hard flying is on my body right now. It’s the only time I feel incredibly exhausted, swollen and nauseous. Screaming rude things and taking my picture when I already feel like crap I can really do without. At least be quite if you must..””

While acknowledging her request may not be taken seriously,she wrote

I love you guys! I know it comes with the territory and I hate when people complain about stuff like that. But while I’m pregnant I would love some boundaries with the paparazzi. I know it won’t happen but here’s to putting it in the universe



  1. really?she should stay out of the public? say wetin na?isn’t she human?you must be really dumb. so she can’t leave her house again because she’s a celeb?I really don’t understand how some of you think..


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