Iyabo Ojo shares stunning photo as she prepares for her 40th birthday party


The actress who will be turning 40 on Ddecember 21 wrote;

My Month begins today πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ» d count down has began ,,,,,, 20days to go………….. My God I am grateful for everything, for how far u have taken me……….. for who I was & who I am & who I am yet to become…………I am a testimony of ur goodness………..I am grateful for d bad times & d good times, i am grateful for d ugly times & d beautiful times………..as I journey into d world of d forties………..Lord i am grateful that I am ageing gracefully………..Lord! u Love me too much & i am blessed bcos even as a sinner ur grace & mercy abides with me, i am nothing, yet u made me something ………I have fallen countless times & u have picked me up & made me victorious each time………..even when I am brokened, i heal faster than a rocket …………it can only be u Lord………I am grateful for my wonderful, adorable kids both my biological & adopted, my mum, my brothers, my man, my family, my friends, my fans indeed i am so grateful, for my health, my happy soul, my business, my profession, i am grateful, for all I have & yet to have…………..I am humbled!!! I am grateful for my loved ones bcos u make me glow, for my haters u make me Love me more & for those who has tried & may still be trying to pull me down i am grateful bcos u ve only made me stronger……… I am unbreakable unstoppable unmovable & unshakeable… …… Akanda omo ni mi……………………… I am Original! irreplacable! I am A daughter, A mother, A sister, A Boss, A learner, A Lover A friend and most of all I am me……..& i am God’s special baby……..I am grateful!!!! #iysexy40thloading #dec21stchic



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